How much is it to remove a wisdom tooth

Often, the wisdom tooth in the common people is called the "eight". This is the third molar, which is the last in the dentition. Mostly teeth appear in people under the age of 25, when the dentition is fully formed. However, situations often arise when there is not enough free space for eruption. For this reason, there is a curvature of neighboring units due to constant shocks. As a result, there is a gradual malocclusion and may require complex wisdom teeth extraction.

Due to the occurrence of pathological processes, the molars cease to participate in chewing food. There is a high risk of developing caries, as food remains in hard-to-reach places and a favorable environment is created for the appearance and development of harmful bacteria.

Since the body successfully copes without eights, dentists often use extraction of the upper wisdom tooth to get rid of the given vestige. This avoids the development of further pathologies and disorders in the dentition.


How much does the procedure cost

To solve the problem, many patients are primarily interested in how much is it to remove a wisdom tooth . Compared to the extraction of other teeth, this operation costs more due to the specific location and difficult accessibility. In addition, this is due to the fact that the third molars are equipped with a highly branched root system with many bends.

The location of the eights is another aspect that affects the complex. wisdom teeth extraction at cost . Example: it will be easier to get rid of such a tooth in the upper jaw than in the lower jaw, since the bone is more soft.

Also, the final price depends on the complexity of the upcoming procedure. A simple procedure generally takes no more than 10-15 minutes. At the same time, minimal trauma is observed . But in the event of complications, for example, the deep location of the third molar into the bone tissue, wisdom teeth extraction on the upper jaw can take up to 2 hours. In this case, experienced dentists make an incision on the gum, cut out the bone and suture it. Therefore, surgery will cost more.

As a rule, the final cost includes all the necessary preparatory measures, the use of the best and most modern anesthetic drugs.

Characteristic features of the procedure

If we compare the procedure with the elimination of other teeth, surgical intervention for the removal of third molars involves more complex manipulations. Before the specialists begin the surgical intervention, the dental surgeon must take an x-ray and, on its basis, assess the specifics of the location of the root system, what condition the tooth is in.

As a rule, local anesthesia is used to remove the wisdom tooth, which allows you to completely get rid of pain during the procedure. Pain may appear after the completion of the surgical stage, when the effect of anesthetics will gradually wear off. In this case, the doctor selects an anesthetic drug. If you organize proper care for the hole, then after 2-3 days, normal health is completely restored and you can return to your daily activities.

Where can I do the removal of eights


Smile Factor offers safe wisdom teeth extractions at competitive prices. An experienced team of dentists uses the latest and safest techniques that allow you to quickly get rid of third molars without pain and complications. The best anesthetics are used in the work, which are selected for each patient individually.

Clinic "Smile Factor" offers the following favorable conditions:

  • high quality service;
  • implementation of the necessary dental measures in the complex;
  • exceptionally comprehensive, individual work with each client;
  • democratic pricing policy for the provision of various types of services.

To make an appointment with a specialist for a consultation, you can call by phone or leave an application online. In the latter case, it is enough to fill out the feedback form. After the first consultation, the specialist carries out a comprehensive examination and takes an x-ray.

When there is a uniform growth of the third molar, it does not interfere with adjacent healthy teeth. Therefore, its removal is not required. If you still have to eliminate the eights, then it is important to turn only to knowledgeable and experienced professionals.

Each client is assigned a personal consultant throughout the entire treatment period. To get advice from all the experts, you do not need to waste time traveling to different places. The fixed price of the service is fixed by means of a concluded contract.