Implantation is a surgical method by which a strong titanium pin is installed and fixed in place of a missing tooth, followed by the installation of a crown or bridge in the form of a prosthesis. State of the art dental technology implantation under anesthesia allows you to carry out the necessary procedures in comfortable and painless conditions, restoring all or part of the dentition. The technique, combined with the best equipment, is several times more efficient than classic prostheses, which allows for an attractive smile.

How methods exist

Oral turnkey implantation involves the use of the following innovative techniques:

Each option is used after the diagnosis in specific cases, taking into account the existing nuances and specifics of the patient's health.


It's a turn key implantation is used in situations where the dentition has been completely lost. The restoration procedure takes place through the implantation of 4 implants: 2 on the side and in front. Next, a fixed prosthetic structure is installed on the structure. In most cases, the procedure is carried out in one visit and can be classified as one-stage methods. Rarely there are situations when the installation of prostheses occurs on the 3rd or 4th day. After the implants are completely fused, permanent constructions begin to be used.

It is impossible to remove a turnkey implant on your own. It is recommended to visit the dentist 2 times a year in order to perform the necessary preventive procedures, to carry out an examination. Also, the goal of the dentist is to prevent the development of possible complications in a timely manner.


This technique is an improved variation of the predecessor. In this case, 6 roots are installed, on which a fixed structure is installed. Due to the use of additional rods made of reliable titanium, the most reliable fixation of the structure is carried out with the correct distribution of the load on the implants.

The modern method also helps to reduce the risk of rejection of a fixed prosthesis and increase its service life.


Cost of the procedure

Smile Factor Dental Clinic makes every effort to create an honest and transparent pricing policy. implantation price is calculated individually in each individual case. As a rule, the following aspects are affected:

A more accurate cost can be found after visiting the consultation of an experienced dentist. After inspection and expert opinion, the specialist will calculate the final amount.

Attention: after the conclusion of the contract for the provision of services, a single price for the client is fixed and remains unchanged.

Where is the best place to get dental implants


The cost of quality dental implants and their installation is an expensive dental event. But the clinic makes every effort so that each client can solve the problem that has arisen. There are several reasons why you should apply for the purchase and installation of implants at the Smile Factor clinic:

If you have any questions, just call the contact phone number or leave a request on the reverse site. A team of specialists will select a solution on an individual basis, depending on the task.

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