Why white spots appear on teeth: causes and consequences

There are many reasons for the appearance of white spots on teeth, and some of them are much more serious than others. Many wonder if this is just a cosmetic problem that will resolve on its own, or if it indicates more serious oral cavity diseases. In this article, we will try to provide general information and answer these and other questions.

One of the most common reasons for the formation of white spots on teeth is demineralization of enamel due to changes in mineral composition. Mineral loss can be caused by increased acidity of dental plaque, which often occurs as a result of consuming carbohydrate-rich foods and drinks. This contributes to increased acid production by bacteria and the formation of acidic dental plaque. Another reason may be trauma to the root of a tooth during its formation in childhood.

Problems with white spots on teeth are not limited to cosmetic aspects that concern most people. They can pose a serious threat to tooth health. Damaged enamel with opaque white spots becomes a suitable place for the development of caries and is one of the first signs of its appearance.

White spots can also be the result of the initial stages of tooth decay. People wearing braces often face this problem due to the difficulties in maintaining oral hygiene during this period. It is important to remember that when wearing braces, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness not only of the visible parts of the teeth (above and below the wire), but also to clean the areas around the brackets and under the arch. This will help prevent the appearance of white spots on the teeth.

If white spots appear after braces are removed, it is important to consult a dentist to choose the best methods to prevent the development of caries.

Proper nutrition also plays an important role in preventing the formation of white spots on teeth. Try to avoid consuming beverages with high sugar and acid content, as well as reduce the consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods to maintain the integrity of tooth enamel.

Can a dentist remove white spots?

Unfortunately, such changes in the structure of teeth are irreversible, so they will not disappear on their own. At "Smile Factor" clinic, we use an effective enamel restoration technique. This method allows liquid light-polymer material to penetrate porous enamel and seal the open surface of the tooth. This is a painless procedure that does not require anesthesia, and it effectively corrects the problem of white spots.

If you notice white spots on your teeth, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible to prevent their further spread.

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