Pros and Cons of Using Anesthesia in Dentistry


Currently, in dentistry, general anesthesia includes two methods of putting the patient into an unconscious state. Most often, anesthetics are administered intravenously, which is a proven method. The second, more pleasant method of inducing unconsciousness is through inhalation. The drug most commonly used for anesthesia in dentistry is sevoflurane. It is currently considered one of the safest drugs with a low percentage of side effects.

Dental services under general anesthesia include:

  • Tooth implantation under general anesthesia;
  • Dental prosthetics under general anesthesia;
  • Tooth extraction and treatment under general anesthesia;
  • Tooth cyst removal under general anesthesia;
  • Tooth root removal under general anesthesia;
  • Removal of multiple teeth under general anesthesia.

Pros of working with a patient in the dentist's chair under general anesthesia:

1. Time savings. During one session, a dentist can perform multiple procedures such as tooth extractions, treatments, placing or restoring fillings, and prosthetics.

2. Absence of pain and fear. Local anesthesia can cause discomfort, especially in patients with a low pain threshold, leading to strong fear. General anesthesia eliminates pain and fear.

3. Reduction in the risk of inflammation. After general anesthesia, there is a low frequency of alveolitis (inflammation of the tooth socket).

4. Improved quality of filling materials setting.

Cons of general anesthesia in dentistry:

1. Possible side effects. Despite modern drugs, side effects may include weakness, mild nausea, dizziness, but they usually pass quickly. Older patients or those with endocrine disorders are at a higher risk of complications.

2. Limited time. For comprehensive dental treatments, especially in complex cases, it is preferable to conduct procedures step by step. General anesthesia requires completing all manipulations at once, which can affect the quality of the work done.

Based on the above, it is recommended to use anesthesia in dentistry only in cases of utmost necessity and to consult experienced specialists in well-equipped dental clinics.

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