Anesthesia at the dentist: Stages of anesthesia, Recommendations

The process of administering anesthesia in dentistry typically takes about 20-30 minutes. During this time, an experienced specialist can perform the removal of up to 10 teeth (such as the extraction of wisdom teeth under anesthesia), prepare up to 5 teeth for implantation under general anesthesia, correct the jaw, or carry out the incision and sanitation of a complex abscess.

A patient under the influence of anesthesia goes through three main stages:

  • Analgesia. After the administration of medications, a gradual loss of consciousness begins, speech slows down, pain sensitivity decreases. Breathing, heart rhythm, and blood pressure remain stable.
  • Excitement. The patient may exhibit sudden movements, start talking or shouting, muscle tone increases, neurological reflexes intensify, pupils dilate and react to light, breathing accelerates. This stage is short, after which the patient falls into a deep sleep.
  • Surgical. The normalization of breathing, rhythm, and depth characterizes the beginning of this stage. The dentist can proceed with the necessary procedures. The level of the surgical stage can be superficial, light, deep, or ultra-deep.

After anesthesia, it is important to be cautious and attentive to one's well-being. Usually, this is accompanied by lethargy, lack of appetite, unsteady gait, mild dizziness, and swelling on the face, especially in the cheek area. Body temperature may slightly increase, but everything will normalize over time. Extra care should be taken after anesthesia.

Recommendations for patients after undergoing dental treatment under general anesthesia:

  • Do not drive a car within 24 hours due to possible decreased reaction speed and pronounced drowsiness that can lead to dangerous situations on the road.
  • Avoid physical exertion for 2-3 days after the operation to prevent increased blood flow and pressure that could lead to postoperative suture rupture.
  • Refrain from operating dangerous equipment within 24 hours after visiting the dentist under anesthesia to avoid unwanted consequences.
  • Do not take medications without consulting a doctor, especially be cautious with drugs affecting the central nervous system to avoid unpredictable outcomes.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption as its combination with residual anesthetics can cause unwanted side effects.
  • Exclude carbonated drinks, acidic, hot, and spicy foods from your diet until the wound surface is completely healed.

Regarding the safety of the procedure, reputable clinics only use certified medications, and an experienced anesthesiologist monitors the patient during anesthesia. Medications are selected individually considering the patient's overall condition to minimize possible side effects. When all recommendations are followed, unpleasant sensations are almost non-existent, as confirmed by dentists emphasizing the safety of new medications when used correctly.

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