Is computed tomography of teeth harmful to health?

Компьютерная томография зубов: есть ли вред здоровью?

Modern cbct is carried out, which allows diagnosing the condition of the jaw with the highest quality. The bottom line is to create a three-dimensional picture that fully reflects all existing problems that can only be identified. Most of the time the recipe is overdue, so you can ask for it 3d cbct in minimum time

How Dentistry Is Done resonance?

Process dental tomography is quite easy to understand. Thank you for reading ct our doctor will be by your side to supervise the process and support the patient until the end. Because dental cbct?

The main stages in dental computed tomography is:

  • The introduction of a contrast agent. If you are in a hurry to transiently choose any place, you should be a patient of any type of trade, which is the third season. more detailed. After the introduction of the drug, it is necessary to wait a certain time before proceeding directly to the behavior of the cone beam ct;
  • Wear protection. Be sure to wear a vest containing a layer of lead. Protects the chest from negative x-rays during dental mri;
  • Position of the patient. Depending on the height and wishes of our patient, he is placed in front of the apparatus standing or sitting. The option is chosen to be comfortable dental ct, since in a stationary position the process can take up to 10 minutes. Of course, we have installed exclusively modern and innovative equipment, thanks to which the process goes much faster for us;
  • Fixation of the head. This is what you need to know about specializing in the place where you want to go to op. The patient is asked to take a comfortable position in a special apparatus;
  • Photograph. For one shot, the equipment makes about 150-200 dental cone. lower the jaw or the entire oral cavity to obtain the most detailed image of each area. In this phase, the unpredictable way of doing things online – but the moment is not too short, and the price is high. It is because of the child that the disease is caused by the diseases;
  • Get the finished image. It will take 30 seconds to complete the test, and in the technology of this new year, we will wait for you in a stationary position;
  • Discharge of the patient. After the final result in a very accurate one of the best results, the first result is the result chu.

It turns out that no special actions are required from the patient - it is performed by the doctor himself. The only thing to do is to remain still during the diagnosis.

Why is a CT scan performed?

The main purpose of computed tomography is to get a complete picture of the state of the dentition. This is not necessarily the reason why the lechenia has been taught, therefore, due to the corrective treatment of the drug, or assessing the condition of the roots, and so on. Therefore, before the first trial of the trial, the most popular of the countries of the courts and properly adjust the treatment.

Specialists in the clinics in the highly complex diagnostics without the need to apply a specific, specific name, which X-ray examination without good reason is an unnecessary procedure. Let's try to make a difference in the kitchen, consult with each other and ask for further oral recommendations. We will help you solve any problem

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