Dental treatment during pregnancy

Dental treatment during pregnancy is a necessary process. Toothache is a severe stress for the body, which negatively affects the condition of a woman and a child. The immunity of pregnant women is weakened, any focus of chronic infection can cause the development of severe complications. If you have any dental problems during pregnancy, you can safely contact our clinic. We use only safe drugs, prescribe examination and treatment taking into account the characteristics of each patient's condition. Our experienced doctors will perform all procedures efficiently and painlessly.

Dental treatment during pregnancy — permitted procedures

Against the background of various changes in the body, many expectant mothers have dental problems. Therefore, the question arises, is dental treatment during pregnancy possible or worth waiting for? Carrying a child does not apply to contraindications for most dental procedures. The doctor must take into account the period, the peculiarities of the course of gestation, and the general state of health of the patient.

Лечение зубов во время беременности

During pregnancy, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, inflammatory pathologies of the gums, tongue can be treated. The use of any modern materials is allowed during sealing. Surgical procedures for abscess and periostitis are performed using safe anesthesia. At any time, remineralization and brushing of teeth can be carried out without the use of ultrasound equipment.

Features of dental treatment at different stages of pregnancy:

  • In the first trimester, the baby's organs are laid, the placenta is not formed, there is a risk of spontaneous termination. Toxicosis aggravates the situation. Therefore, doctors try to avoid dental treatment in the first trimester, unless the situation requires emergency intervention.
  • In the second trimester, dental procedures are the safest. Most women feel fine, the placenta reliably protects the fetus, so routine therapy is carried out at this time.
  • In the third trimester, the list of restrictions increases, since a woman's body can be severely weakened by the end of pregnancy. Shortness of breath, pressure problems are often bothered, and it is difficult to stay in a stationary position for a long time due to back discomfort. Any manipulations are carried out only if there are strict indications.

X-ray examinations and antibacterial therapy are contraindicated in pregnant women. The doctor prescribes procedures only according to indications, after analyzing all possible risks. During the X-ray, the abdomen must be covered with a protective apron. Antibiotics are selected taking into account the gestation period, many drugs are not teratogenic, therefore they are safe for the fetus.

What dental procedures should not be performed during pregnancy

Any dental manipulations are not performed with the threat of termination of pregnancy, the risk of premature birth. Therefore, before visiting the dentist, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist. Implantation is not performed during pregnancy. The procedure involves the use of medications, you need to take several X-rays. Against the background of changes in the body, the results of artificial root engraftment are often unpredictable. If the implants have taken root, you can install a permanent prosthesis after consultation with a gynecologist.

Лечение зубов во время беременности

Professional bleaching is contraindicated. Expectant mothers may have weakened tooth enamel, so the results of the procedure are difficult to predict.

It is better to install non-removable dentures after childbirth. If several teeth are missing, you can resort to removable prosthetics, since the method is simpler and less painful.

The duration of dental treatment during pregnancy increases slightly, as the immune system is weakened, it is more difficult to cope with various stresses and interventions.

Лечение зубов во время беременности

It is possible and necessary to sanitize the oral cavity during pregnancy, but it is necessary to choose a good clinic, a doctor who has experience in treating pregnant women. Here you can have dental treatment at any time. Make an appointment by phone in advance, the manager will help you choose a convenient time, tell you about all the procedures.

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