Dental fluorosis —whitening treatment

Dental fluorosis is a dental condition caused by excessive consumption of fluoride during tooth formation. It is typical for children.

Fluorine is a chemical element that is involved in the formation of enamel and prevents the formation of caries. However, excessive amounts can lead to pathological consequences.

Causes and symptoms of fluorosis

Dental enamel fluorosis often occurs for the following reasons:

  • excessive consumption of fluoride – in regions with a high content of fluoride in drinking water, the risk of fluorosis increases;
  • the use of fluorinated pastes;
  • fluoride intake from other sources: industrial emissions, the use of fluorinated substances in food production, etc.;
  • uncontrolled and unsystematic intake of dietary supplements;
  • taking medications and medicines with a high content of fluoride;
  • lack of vitamins A, C and B, which prevent the destruction of enamel.

Fluorosis is considered to be more of a cosmetic and aesthetic problem, in most cases not posing a serious threat to health. However, treatment measures are still needed, one of which is bleaching.

The main signs and symptoms:

  • spots and stripes - white, red, brown or black marks on the teeth, indicating the destruction of enamel;
  • hypersensitivity to heat, cold, and temperature changes;
  • loss of gloss – the enamel becomes more matte and looks less healthy.

Fluorosis is often called "spotted enamel". The brighter and more noticeable the spots, the more developed the pathology. The shape of dental fluorosis depends on the nature of spots and lesions: streaked, erosive, spot-shaped, etc.

The risk is that in the later stages of development, the tooth is almost completely damaged and cannot be treated. If it is dairy, it is not so critical, because over time it will fall out, but problems will arise with the root. Therefore, it is important to contact doctors in a timely manner and attend preventive examinations at least once every 6 months.

Treatment of dental fluorosis

The fact that dental fluorosis occurs more often in children is explained simply: the child's enamel is thinner and more vulnerable, especially in baby teeth. The bleaching procedure is suitable for both adults and children.

The treatment of dental fluorosis by whitening is as follows:

  • Preliminary inspection. The patient is consulted by a dentist, who evaluates the severity of fluorosis and determines whether bleaching is suitable for this case.
  • Preparation for the procedure. The dentist performs cleaning, as well as plaque and stone removal for more effective exposure to the bleaching agent.
  • Selects the bleaching method: ultraviolet, laser, gel. It is possible to combine several methods.
  • The dentist applies a high concentration bleaching agent that you won't find on store shelves. Ultraviolet light and laser are used to activate the bleaching agent.
  • After the procedure, the doctor additionally prescribes home bleaching to maintain the effect. The patient independently applies a gel with a lower concentration of the substance and follows the advice on oral hygiene.
  • If necessary, the doctor prescribes a repeat procedure. For example, if the stains did not come off after the first session.

The procedure for treating teeth affected by fluorosis is absolutely painless. In the future, preventive examinations are recommended, during which the dentist monitors the condition and restoration of the enamel. As a rule, patients switch to fluoride-free pastes and consult a dentist on an ongoing basis to monitor their condition.

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